Northern New York Cannabis Society

Everything to do with Cannabis in Northern New York and more!

Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson: Pioneering Music and Cannabis Culture

In the realm of music and marijuana advocacy, few names are as synonymous with both as Willie Nelson. Born in Abbott, Texas in 1933, Nelson’s journey from a young guitar player to a celebrated musician and cannabis crusader is nothing short of legendary.

Top 10 Important People in Marijuana History

These individuals have played a significant role in the legalization and normalization of cannabis, and have helped to break down the stereotypes and stigmas surrounding the plant. From medical professionals to activists, comedians to musicians, these individuals have used their platforms to raise awareness about the benefits of cannabis and to push for its legalization, both for medicinal and recreational use.

15 Hit Songs That Celebrate Marijuana

Music and marijuana have always had a close relationship, with many musicians turning to weed for inspiration and relaxation. From classic rock to reggae and rap, weed has been a common theme in many hit songs over the years.

20 Times Rock Stars Were Busted For Marijuana

Marijuana has been a popular drug among rock stars for decades. Many musicians have been open about their use of the drug, and some have even become advocates for its legalization.

Do You Know These 5 Popular Celebrity Stoners?

Did you know these celebrity stoners liked to puff and pass? Snoop Dogg, Willie Nelson, Rihanna, Seth Rogen, and Wiz…