Northern New York Cannabis Society

Everything to do with Cannabis in Northern New York and more!

Top Lists

Cannabis Slang: Origins & Meanings of 20 Terms

Cannabis culture has its own unique language, with a plethora of slang terms that enthusiasts use to describe their favorite herb. From classic expressions to contemporary lingo, these terms have become deeply embedded in cannabis communities around the world.

Top 10 Albums for a Higher Music Experience

Music and cannabis have always shared a harmonious connection, amplifying the sensory experience of a blissful high. For those seeking to elevate their musical journey while indulging in their favorite strains, we present a carefully curated list of the Top 10 Albums to Listen to While Stoned.

10 Easiest Marijuana Strains to Grow: A Beginner’s Guide

Northern New York, with its serene landscapes and vibrant communities, has been home to various celebrities and public figures over the years. While some of these famous personalities have kept their ties to cannabis private, others have been vocal advocates or enthusiasts in the green movement.

Puff, Puff, Pass: Top 10 Funniest Weed Stories

We all have those hilarious and unforgettable moments that happened while under the influence of marijuana. Whether it’s a misadventure, a silly mishap, or a laugh-out-loud experience, these stories become legendary among friends.

Top 10 Weed Hacks Every Stoner Should Know

When it comes to enjoying cannabis, stoners are always looking for ways to enhance their experience and make things a little easier. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or a newbie, these top 10 weed hacks are here to level up your cannabis game.

Top 8 Funniest Weed-Related Instagram Accounts to Follow

If you’re a cannabis enthusiast looking for some laughs and entertainment, Instagram is home to a vibrant community of hilarious weed-related accounts. From clever memes to witty captions and entertaining videos, these accounts deliver a healthy dose of humor for all those who appreciate the lighter side of cannabis culture.

10 Strains to Enhance Your Fireworks Experience on July 4th

As Independence Day approaches, many people look forward to celebrating with dazzling fireworks displays. If you’re planning to enjoy the festivities with some cannabis, selecting the right strain can elevate your experience to new heights.

Myth or Reality: Exploring the Top 10 Weed Urban Legends

Urban legends have a way of captivating our imaginations and sparking curiosity. When it comes to weed, there is no shortage of fascinating tales that have become ingrained in cannabis culture.

Top 10 Marijuana Strains for Relieving Anxiety

When it comes to managing anxiety, many individuals turn to the therapeutic properties of cannabis. With a wide variety of strains available, some are known for their potential to provide relaxation, ease stress, and alleviate anxiety.

Marijuana on TV: 10 Shows with High-Themed Plots

Television has always been a reflection of society, capturing the essence of various cultural phenomena. Over the years, the portrayal of marijuana in TV shows has evolved, mirroring the changing attitudes and perceptions towards this once-taboo plant.