Northern New York Cannabis Society

Everything to do with Cannabis in Northern New York and more!

Top Lists

5 Cannabis Strains to Elevate Your Thanksgiving Celebration

As Thanksgiving draws near, the desire to infuse the holiday with a unique and elevated experience has led many cannabis enthusiasts to consider the role of carefully chosen strains in their celebrations. This article explores five distinct cannabis varieties curated for a lit Thanksgiving, offering a spectrum of effects to complement the festivities.

6 Spooky Strains for a Halloween High

As Halloween approaches, the air grows crisp, and the nights darken, setting the stage for a spooktacular celebration. For cannabis enthusiasts, the thrill of the season can be heightened with the perfect strains, each adding a touch of mystery and excitement to your Halloween experience.

15 Inspirational Quotes About Cannabis: A Perspective Shift

Cannabis, the multifaceted plant that has sparked both controversy and fascination throughout history, holds a special place in the hearts and minds of millions around the world. Beyond its recreational and medicinal uses, cannabis has the remarkable ability to inspire profound thoughts and insights.

Budding Careers: 10 Jobs in the Thriving Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry has blossomed into a legitimate and rapidly growing sector, creating numerous job opportunities across various fields. From cultivation to marketing, compliance, and research, there’s a diverse range of roles in this dynamic industry. In this article, we’ll explore ten exciting jobs in the cannabis industry that are attracting professionals from all walks of life.

10 Celebrities Secretly Embracing Cannabis

When it comes to the intersection of celebrity and cannabis, some names immediately come to mind. However, beneath the surface of fame and spotlight, there lies a group of celebrities who have embraced cannabis culture more discreetly.

Top 10 Cannabis Concentrate Brands Redefining Quality

In the world of cannabis consumption, concentrates have risen to prominence as a preferred choice for those seeking potent and flavorful experiences. From shatters to sauces, live resins to rosins, the realm of cannabis concentrates is brimming with innovation and diversity.

10 Awesome Video Games to Play While Stoned

Embarking on a gaming journey while under the influence of cannabis can be a uniquely immersive experience, elevating both the gameplay and the overall atmosphere. The intersection of altered perception and interactive entertainment can lead to moments of heightened engagement, creativity, and relaxation.

100 Mind-Blowing Cannabis Facts: Prepare to be Amazed!

Welcome to our 100th article celebration, where we embark on an extraordinary journey into the world of cannabis! In this special edition, we’re thrilled to present 100 mind-blowing cannabis facts that will captivate your curiosity and deepen your appreciation for this incredible plant.

10 Hilarious Comedians Specials to Watch Stoned

The world of stand-up comedy is a treasure trove of laughter, wit, and social commentary. Throughout the years, comedians have taken the stage to share their unique perspectives, delivering punchlines that resonate with audiences and leave an indelible mark on pop culture.

10 Celebrity Cannabis Strains That Rock the Weed World

The intersection of celebrity culture and cannabis has given rise to a unique phenomenon – celebrity cannabis strains. With the increasing acceptance and legalization of cannabis, some well-known personalities have ventured into the green industry, lending their names and passion for the herb to create their signature strains.