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Kellie Vital vaping

Interview with Canna Influencer and Model Kellie Vital

We Hope You Learn More About This Gorgeous Canna Influencer Kellie Vital! Give her a follow on social!

Welcome to our exclusive interview with Kellie Vital, a prominent Instagram cannabis influencer. With her engaging content and passion for all things cannabis, Kellie has amassed a dedicated following on social media. In this interview, we delve into Kellie’s journey, her perspectives on the cannabis industry, and the role she plays as an influencer in the community. Join us as we uncover the insights and experiences of this inspiring cannabis advocate.

Can you provide us with some background information about yourself, including your upbringing and where you’re from?

I grew up in Yorba Linda, CA, and I enjoyed it so much. Orange County, woo hoo! I used to spend a lot of time helping my dad with yard work or riding horses with him. I am very blessed to have grown up in such a beautiful area, and I hope to make it back someday.

What motivated or inspired you to pursue a career in modeling?

I started getting into pin-up modeling to make more female friends and help boost my confidence, and it sort of took off from there.

Could you share some of the notable brands or companies you have collaborated with in your career?

Recently, I assisted Cali Clear Inc, a company that produces exceptionally smooth pens. I also had the opportunity to model some shirts for Sullen, which was a thrilling and enjoyable experience. Additionally, I have been involved in promotional work for Harley Davidson.

For aspiring models, what advice or tips would you offer to help them succeed in the industry?

Take pictures of yourself and study them! Learn your good side and become comfortable with your poses. Embrace your uniqueness and practice showcasing it confidently. Remember, there is only one you, so embrace your individuality and let it shine!

Are there any exciting projects or upcoming ventures that you can tell us about?

Helping out at a few car shows and getting a 2024 calendar ready!

Are there any specific goals or aspirations you have for your career as a model?

It has always been a dream of mine to model or work with Budweiser. I’ve always admired the brand and its merchandise, particularly the cool clothes from the 80s. My vintage varsity Budweiser jacket is my prized possession..

Can you discuss when and how you first became interested in using marijuana?

Naturally, I tried it like we all did in high school. I used it recreationally here and there throughout my 20s. When I turned 27 in 2019, I started using it significantly more because it helped me with sleep. As time went on, I noticed it truly helped me with anxiety and menstrual pains! I wish I could encourage others to try the marijuana route instead of relying on “pain meds,” but hey, to each their own.

Do you have a preferred method of consuming marijuana, such as using a bong, pipe, edibles, or other options?

My bong is my right-hand companion! It’s always there for me and accompanies me wherever I go. 😊 When I really need a good sleep, I love indulging in a delicious edible.

Are you more inclined towards Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid strains? Do you have a particular favorite strain?

I prefer sticking to Indica or Hybrid strains! Sativa just doesn’t work well for me, haha.

Do you have a favorite stoner movie? If not, what is your all-time favorite movie?

That is a tough one because it’s either “Dazed & Confused” or “Smiley Face.” I loved “Dazed & Confused” because of the classic cars, killer soundtrack, and just plain old high school fun. “Smiley Face” is a hilarious stoner girl movie you can’t go wrong with, and Anna Faris is always hilarious.

Have there been any amusing or memorable moments that you would like to share, which occurred while you were under the influence?

Haha, the only thing I do not recommend is getting tattooed when stoned. It hurts me more for some reason, lol. I once went very stoned to get some work done, and of course, I felt everything more intensely.

What type of music do you enjoy the most, and do you have a favorite musical artist?

Love all types, but Danzig and oldies are definitely my top favorites. Both are great to listen to when you’re cruising a classic by the beach.

Does marijuana consumption and the modeling profession intersect? Explain?

YES! I always try to smoke prior because it helps me get comfortable in new settings and shakes off my natural awkwardness. I definitely feel awkward and am shyer if I don’t!

I noticed you have some beautiful tattoos. Could you tell us about your first tattoo and if any of them hold special significance to you?

Thanks so much! My first one was a blue rose on my thigh. Blue is my favorite color, and I have always loved roses. Hands down, my favorite tattoo will always be my Lloyd Christmas because Dumb & Dumber is my jam.

Are there any plans for additional tattoos in the future?

Definitely starting my back this fall. Just need to decide if I want a grim reaper or a Mexican girl on a horse. Haha, two very different pieces and I can’t seem to make up my mind. I’ve always wanted a grim reaper, but my husband already has that, so I’m kind of leaning towards a pretty Mexican girl to pay homage to my beautiful culture.

Finally, is there any message or advice you would like to share with our followers and fans regarding self-expression, personal growth, or embracing their passions?

Never stop learning. Stay reading and exercise daily. It’s not just for looks but for health and to keep your mind active. Life is full of silly hiccups, and we must stay on top of our health to be the best versions of ourselves. When I was going through a tough time, a mentor recommended the book “The Four Agreements,” and it really changed my outlook on a lot of things. It’s a great book to read after enjoying a nice joint.

Give this gorgeous influencer a follow on Instagram and Facebook!!

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Meet Bud Blaze, the cannabis reporter with a nose for news and a taste for the good stuff. Bud was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, where he developed a passion for cannabis at a young age. After graduating from the University of Colorado with a degree in journalism, Bud started his career as a freelance writer, covering local cannabis events and dispensaries. His work quickly gained recognition, and he was hired by a major cannabis publication as a staff writer. Over the years, Bud has covered numerous cannabis-related topics, from legalization efforts to medical research. He's interviewed some of the biggest names in the industry, including growers, dispensary owners, and activists, and has been known to sample their wares for research purposes. Bud's writing is always on point, even when he's not, and he's won several awards for his work, including the prestigious Cannabis Journalism Award. In his free time, Bud enjoys hiking in the mountains and trying out new strains of cannabis. He's always on the lookout for the next big thing in the world of weed, and he's not afraid to get his hands sticky to find it.