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High Times Magazine: Chronicling Cannabis Culture Since 1974

Cultivating Cannabis Culture Through the Pages of History

High Times magazines
Photo courtesy of Robb Rice Design

For nearly five decades, High Times magazine has been the vanguard of cannabis culture, sparking conversations, challenging perceptions, and championing the legalization movement. Founded in 1974 by Tom Forçade, the magazine emerged during a time when cannabis was largely misunderstood and stigmatized. Since its inception, High Times has played a pivotal role in reshaping public opinion, advocating for legalization, and celebrating the diverse and vibrant world of cannabis enthusiasts.

A Cultural Revolution:

In the early days, High Times became a platform for cannabis enthusiasts to connect, share experiences, and promote advocacy. The magazine’s pages were filled with a unique blend of counterculture content, featuring everything from strain reviews and cultivation tips to political commentary and psychedelic art. It became a beacon of knowledge, providing a safe space for cannabis enthusiasts to explore their passion and challenge the status quo.

Championing Legalization:

High Times has been at the forefront of the fight for cannabis legalization. Through its articles, interviews, and activism, the magazine has tirelessly advocated for the decriminalization of cannabis. It has covered the stories of activists, politicians, and ordinary citizens whose lives have been transformed by the plant. High Times’ dedication to the cause has significantly contributed to the shifting public perception of cannabis, paving the way for legalization efforts worldwide.

People getting high on weed

The Cannabis Cup:

One of High Times’ most iconic contributions to cannabis culture is the Cannabis Cup. Started in 1987, this annual event brings together cultivators, enthusiasts, and industry professionals from around the globe to celebrate the best strains and products. The Cannabis Cup not only recognizes excellence in cannabis cultivation but also fosters a sense of community among cannabis lovers.

Digital Age and Beyond:

With the advent of the digital age, High Times has transitioned seamlessly into online platforms, reaching a broader audience and continuing its advocacy efforts. The magazine’s website offers a wealth of information, including news, strain guides, and lifestyle content, ensuring that its legacy endures in the modern era.


High Times magazine stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of cannabis enthusiasts worldwide. From its humble beginnings as a counterculture publication to its current status as a global authority on cannabis, High Times has remained steadfast in its mission to educate, entertain, and advocate for the plant and its community. As we move forward into a future where cannabis is increasingly embraced, High Times remains a guiding light, reminding us of the resilience of a movement driven by passion, knowledge, and a shared love for the plant.

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Meet Bud Blaze, the cannabis reporter with a nose for news and a taste for the good stuff. Bud was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, where he developed a passion for cannabis at a young age. After graduating from the University of Colorado with a degree in journalism, Bud started his career as a freelance writer, covering local cannabis events and dispensaries. His work quickly gained recognition, and he was hired by a major cannabis publication as a staff writer. Over the years, Bud has covered numerous cannabis-related topics, from legalization efforts to medical research. He's interviewed some of the biggest names in the industry, including growers, dispensary owners, and activists, and has been known to sample their wares for research purposes. Bud's writing is always on point, even when he's not, and he's won several awards for his work, including the prestigious Cannabis Journalism Award. In his free time, Bud enjoys hiking in the mountains and trying out new strains of cannabis. He's always on the lookout for the next big thing in the world of weed, and he's not afraid to get his hands sticky to find it.